2019/08/06 Rebuilding Eternia
2019 09 12,

This is year 12 now since Tales of Eternia Online has been offline.

While this project may be impossible, even so I知 hoping to at least get something out of this.
This game may be niche for the NA market, But to me it still matters, being a Tales of Series fan.
For a game only being on the market for 1 year, it痴 terrible to know very little people ever experienced this game. Let alone NA players.
There will be very little updates as this comes along. Progress has already been working okay, which started building a new patcher tool. Mainly cause every UI element will have to be translated.

Currently all files have been preserved, that means most Images, Music and Videos Client files. Even if this is all that can be done. At least it痴 something.
While the game is booting to the menu and i have a server showing in the list, the game will crash upon selecting it. This is of course the code for the server emulator will be a long near impossible road.
Not much at this time, but once again this is just a project of my own to see what痴 possible. As I like everyone else would love to play this game again.

File Dumps:
Images, Media Type Files, Music and other Goodies
Debug Menu and Translated Files
Game/Client Installation Files

1. Download the above ToEO Game Installation File
2. Run Installer and the game will start to install automatically
3. If you wish to have some additional options follow the readme in the ToEO Debug and Menu translated Zip for installation.
4. Use my Downloader I created at https://github.com/Yuvi-App/Yu-TOEOE to launch the game OR
5. Rename Toeo_cl.dat to Toeo_cl.exe
6. Double click Toeo_cl.exe

While there is method to launch the game using the official downloader, you are required to modify your host file in windows to the following alive001.toeo.jp www.toeo.jp toeo.jp patch.toeo.jp download.toeo.jp

This will connect to talesofeterniaonline.com where the proper files are hosted for it to work. Doing this you will also be able to get to Server Select Screen.

Remember, this game does not work besides loading into sever select. But I知 releasing this now, primarily as I want the client to get out so other can poke around and take a look. This is while progress on the game is still in works.

All Files belong and are property of Namco Bandai, I知 solely just trying to preserve what I can of TOEO.
Thank you
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